Comparison websites are great because they allow you to do a soft search of all the insurance companies that are willing to insure you. This is good because is the “good old days” you had to do searches via your credit profile. This would then come up as a mark on your credit rating so that if you did more than two per six months, then your rating would go down. This also meant that you had to apply for a quote to multiple companies and then wait for a reply to see if you are eligible and see how much their premiums are. Now that there are comparison sites, you can do a soft search of multiple companies and then see which ones interest you the most when you have your insurance premium quote.

Comparison sites are a good way of finding cheap car insurance online, but are not the solution to your insurance problems. It is simply one of the tools you need to use when searching for a car insurance quote.
Let us say that you find a low cost quote for Insurance products from and decide to buy the policy. You will be buying prematurely. When you get your insurance quote, you should consider it as your first step towards becoming insured. Once you have found your cheapest quote you need to investigate the company. It may not be real, it may have made a mistake in your quote and it may not be offering you what you are looking for. Checking to see if an insurance company is real is easy enough. Check how much web chatter there is about the company. Look for old adverts, comments on forums and if they are on the stock market. If you see that they have existed for a while and are well received, then move forwards.
Next, you must check to see if their quote is a mistake. They may be a company that only gives quotes to people over the age of 65yrs or 25yrs old, but has logged a quote on the comparison site for you, even though you do not qualify. Check their quote to see if they are offering the right insurance for you.
Then you need to check to see if they are offering the right policy for you. For example, you may wish to add or remove a bolt on (policy addition) such as window screen cover or breakdown cover. Sometimes insurance companies will add on extras to ramp up your premium. You should add or remove them before proceeding.
If you have found your cheap car insurance online and have checked all of the items above, you should then apply directly to the company and give them more details. So let’s say that you have found Insurance products from and want to give them more details. Look up the items that will affect your premium. For example, if it is car insurance you may wish to mention your no claims bonus. If it is home insurance you may wish to mention your installed fire alarm and sprinkler system.
Author Bio: Anna Mathews is a schoolteacher who bought Insurance products from last year and particularly liked their cheap car insurance online.