How to Save Money on Food

We all know that food takes up a big part of our monthly budget. Whether it is eating out or dining in, we spend a great deal of time and effort to feed ourselves. However with the economy the way it is we are all looking for ways to cut down on our expenses. Here are a few ways that you can save money on your food.

happy eating
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  1. Eat at home – The first thing you should think about doing is eating more meals at home. It is very expensive to eat out and you do not get as much food for the amount of money you spend. By cooking at home you also reduce the fat, slats and other unhealthy products. You are not only saving money but eating healthier, which is better for everyone involved.
  2. Take leftovers for lunch – I know it may sound gross, but come noon time you will be glad to eat leftovers. By cooking more than you need for one meal and taking the leftover for lunch you save money and also eat healthier. You can even prepare twice as much as you need and freeze half, having a meal prepared for a time that you are short on time or energy.
  3. Plan your meals – A great way to spread your money and make great food is to plan your meals at the beginning of each week. By planning your meals you will not be tempted to buy random things at the store and you will also not have to come up with great meal ideas after work when you are tired. You also tend to create more balanced meals when you have the ingredients on hand and planned out.
  4. Shop only once – Since you have a great meal plan in place, shop only once. By doing this you can save a lot of money on unneeded things and junk food purchase. If you can stick to a list and buy only what you need you will be better off.
  5. Buy in bulk – Many times things like meat are better bough in family packs. You can separate what amounts you need for meals and freeze. This will save you a lot of money in the long run. You can also buy things that don’t expire, like pasta or canned goods, in bulk to save money.
  6. Buy on sale – Check the ads to see what is on sale every week before planning your menu. That way you can save money and you might even come up with meal ideas you would have not otherwise come across. Ads can work at more than just the one store. Take an add to Wal-Mart for example and they will match the price, saving you an extra trip.
  7. Use coupons – It is not a good deal to use coupons on things you will never use, but if something comes up for a discount then for all means use it. Some store even offer double or triple coupon days. You can also look for discounts like senior or member discounts at some stores.
  8. Compare prices –Sometimes things are cheaper smaller. Some cereals are like that and other products. Look on the price labels and compare the cents per weight. The smaller the cents, the better value the food is.
  9. Buy generic –Most stores have their own brand of popular foods. This can save you a lot of money. Some things are better bought name brand, but if you shop around you can find some great deals that are indistinguishable.
  10. Avoid prepackaged –Prepackaged foods are high in fat and calories and salt (thank you frozen meals) and do not offer a good price for the amount. Instead, make your own easy meals with simple ingredients that are much cheaper and better for you in the long run.

These are just a few ways that you can save money on food and get better deals at the grocery store. Remember that homemade is almost always cheaper and healthier. It does not have to be hard to make great meals at home.

About the Author: This guest post is contributed by Debra Johnson, blogger and editor of She welcomes your comments at her email Id: – jdebra84 @

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